Worauf wir stolz sind
In den letzten Jahren haben uns sehr erfolgreiche und namhafte Organisationen ihr Vertrauen geschenkt. Wir pflegen mit unseren Kunden ein dauerhaftes, erfolgreiches und auf Respekt und Vertrauen fußendes Miteinander. Mit den nachfolgenden Referenzen ist es unser Anliegen, Ihnen einen Gesamteindruck unseres „Tun’s“ zu ermöglichen, einen Bezug zu den unterschiedlichen Branchen, Kunden und Projekten herzustellen. Ja, wir sind stolz darauf, Unternehmen aus den Top 500 in Österreich und namhafte Unternehmen aus dem benachbarten Ausland zu unseren Kunden zählen zu dürfen. Nicht minder stolz macht es uns, dass wir auch das Vertrauen von innovativen, primär familien- und inhabergeführten Unternehmen genießen dürfen.
Unsere Beratungsleistungen und Weiterbildungsaktivitäten sind branchenunabhängig und wir haben innerhalb unserer Tätigkeitsbereiche die Erfahrung gemacht, dass Menschen, egal in welchem Unternehmen, in welcher Branche sie arbeiten, immer wieder die gleichen Wünsche, Sehnsüchte, Träume haben und ähnlichen Antriebsmechanismen unterliegen. Trotzdem ist es für uns eine Selbstverständlichkeit, dass wir uns mit den unterschiedlichen Branchen beschäftigen, ihre Spielregeln, Grundsätze, Herausforderungen und Trends beachten. In den folgenden Branchen haben und führen wir erfolgreiche Projekte durch.
Um Ihnen mehr Einblick in unsere Arbeit bei den unterschiedlichen Kunden geben zu können, haben wir im folgenden versucht, die Projektinhalte und Zielsetzungen zu umschreiben. Wenn Sie sich näher über die Projektziele und -inhalte informieren wollen, klicken Sie einfach auf das jeweilige Logo der einzelnen Unternehmen, um nähere Informationen zu erhalten.
Project name: Election campaigns, training programmes, implementation of interdisciplinary processes, coaching Project content: During election campaigns, programmes were implemented in cooperation with the frontrunners, members of parliament, functionaries and volunteers that aimed on the one hand to generate motivation and a sense of a new era about to dawn, and on the other hand to authentically,…
Client: SVA Sozialversicherung der gewerblichen Wirtschaft (Social Insurance for Persons engaged in Trade and Commerce). Project name: SVA vision and culture change process 2010 Project content: As a partner of the IMP think tank, 2008 was for us the start of a challenging and exciting process within the SVA. This was because the task involved was to…
Client: Schoeller + Stahl Project name: New prospects for the future Project content: Schoeller Stahl produces and distributes knitting wool. As a result of a management buyout, a new Executive Board was installed, part of the management team replaced and a new company and/or management culture demanded. This resulted in a widespread sense of uncertainty, opposition,…
Client: Schoeller Spinning Group Bregenz Project name: New prospects for the future Project content: The entire staff of the Schoeller Spinning Group was uprooted and unhinged both physically and emotionally by the acquisition of two companies in Eastern Europe and the relocation of the production and product development divisions and simultaneous reorganisation of the product range. Our…
Client: Zur Rose, Switzerland Project content: In cooperation with IMP, our task was to initiate a comprehensive change process for the largest Swiss mail-order pharmacy together with the entire management team from Switzerland and Germany. « Back to overview
Client: Hilfswerk Österreich (Austrian relief agency) Project content: Our task was to show the board, the managers of the individual regional organisations and their executives new prospects and challenges facing managers working in long-term care. Based on this, we will develop and implement a vision development process and an executive development programme starting in 2012. « Back…
Client: Festspielhaus Bregenz (Bregenz Festival Centre) Project name: The cube of life – Story-telling for the staff, customers and potential customers Project content: The symbol of a cube played a central role in the “Festspiel- und Kongresshaus Bregenz” (Bregenz Festival and Conference Centre) brand image. The “Strategic management” strategy paper clearly defined the needs and visions, yet…
Client: Hilti AG Schaan Project name: Implementation of HIPS Project content: As the result of a world-wide integration and reorganisation process, 6000 production managers and employees of Hilti AG were stripped of their organisational and management structure, which had defined the company for over 50 years. Our task was to implement a completely new management structure…
Client: Benetton Project name: Implementation of the megastore philosophy Project content: Benetton developed a new store and marketing concept in the Nineties. This concept was also implemented in Germany and Austria. A young team of textile and retailing specialists were tasked with erecting megastores (up to 4000 m2 retail space) from the ground up and positioning…
Client: i+R Schertler + Alge Project name: Positioning and vision development Project content: On the threshold of the company’s realignment and the introduction of personnel decisions affecting the top management of various divisions, we were able, in concert with the Executive Board, to accompany and help develop this process over a 2-year period as a coach in…
Client: Raiffeisenbanken Project name: An unusual employee and customer event for hoteliers and managers Project content: Raiffeisenbanken has been using customer events in an attempt to establish closer relationships with their clients, predominantly from the tourism sector in Lech, Zürs, Montafon and Kleines Walsertal, for many years. In addition, the aim was to encourage clients to embrace…
Client: WKO Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (Austrian Federal Economic Chamber) Project name: Coaching of top-level officials Project content: We conducted one-on-one training for top-level officials on behalf of the Economic Chamber. « Back to overview
Client: Flughafen Friedrichshafen Project name: Vision design / culture implementation and personnel development as an experience Project content: In a company-wide process, the goal of this project is to design a challenging, desirable vision in collaboration with the Executive Board and executives of all levels, to integrate the employees into the process and to subsequently put…
Client: Sparkasse Dornbirn Project name: Lectures Project content: Over a period of several years, we were commissioned to give talks at client events for the corporate banking segment on a number of occasions. « Back to overview
Client: Volksbanken AG Project name: Executive development Project content: Within the framework of the Volksbank’s executive development programme, we developed and implemented workshops throughout Austria geared toward raising awareness under the motto “New prospects for the future – the four principles of the action strategy”. « Back to overview
Client: Lanxess Project content: Commissioned by EBS/SMI, we had the opportunity to use our expertise as trainers for the chemical group Lanxess and for its worldwide Lanxess Sales Academy. « Back to overview
Client: IIR Institute of international Research Project content: Development and implementation of lectures and workshops for the IIR’s management training programme in the areas of story-telling, communication, leadership and change management. « Back to overview
Client: ÖBB Österreichische Bundesbahnen – Infrastructure / Track Integrated Management Project name: Vision development – With new perspectives into the future Project content: Our task is to implement a divisional culture in the ITC Integration Technology Center Plants division, to develop and introduce tools that make it possible to ensure positive, future-oriented and successful cooperation despite…
Client: Cserni Project content: Commissioned by one of Austria’s leading furnishing workshops, we developed and implemented an executive development programme consistently based on our model of goal-oriented commitment and action. « Back to overview
Client: Bramac International Project name: Group-wide implementation of the Bramac management culture Project content: Due to its expansion, particularly in Eastern Europe, Bramac was forced to develop new management and HR structures in more than 10 countries. Country-specific differences in the market, differences in cultural, professional and personal approaches to leadership, flexibility, openness and work habits among…
Client: OMV AG Project name: With a new perspective into the future Project content: Within the framework of one of its projects, the IMP think-tank commissioned us to stage a major event for executives of the profit centre organisations in Eastern Europe. The goal was to rouse the more than 70 participants, create awareness for the forthcoming…
Client: VIE Flughafen Wien AG Project name: Vision development / culture implementation and personnel development as an experience Project content: In a company-wide process, the goal of this project is to develop a challenging, desirable vision in collaboration with the Executive Board, the top management and executives at all levels while integrating all 4000 employees into the…
Client: Kinderdorf Vorarlberg Project name: Executive development programme Project content: Conception and moderation of key topics in the framework of the executive development programme « Back to overview
Client: Pro Task Project name: Organisational and executive development Project content: In the scope of Pro Task’s corporate expansion, we devised and developed the organisational development process in collaboration with the top management, and prepared the management team for the new challenges within the framework of an executive development programme, implementing a forward-looking management culture. « Back to…
Client: Skidata Project name: Executive development programme Project content: Development and implementation of an executive development programme « Back to overview
Client: VKW – Vorarlberger Kraftwerke AG Project name: Executive development programme Project content: Development and implementation of an executive development programme « Back to overview
Client: Kärnten Werbung Project name: Story-telling project Project content: Development of a concept for Olympic Games candidacy « Back to overview
Client: Vorarlberg Tourismus Project name: The visions /story-telling project – Voralpolis or finding happiness Project content: A two-day workshop was held in collaboration with the three conference centres in Bregenz, Dornbirn and Feldkirch, Bodensee-Alpenrhein Tourismus and the Incoming department of Vorarlberger Landesreisebüro GmbH. The goal was to reconcile the various needs and opinions of the participants while…
Client: ABB Project name: Trainingsprogramm Negotiation Management Project content: Commissioned by EBS/SMI, we were invited to collaborate as a trainer in the international ABB training programme “Negotiation Management” for the company’s purchasing staff. « Back to overview
Client: EBS/SMI European Business School Project content: Lanxess Project content: On behalf of EBS/SMI, we had the opportunity to use our expertise as a trainer for the chemical group Lanxess and its worldwide Lanxess Sales Academy. ABB Project content: On behalf of EBS/SMI, we were invited to collaborate as a trainer in the international ABB training programme “Negotiation…
Client: Siemens Austria Project name: Siemens PTD-EA/VA change management and integration concept Project content: Parts of the Siemens Group were in the middle of a reorganisation project: Owing to the acquisition of VA Tech, various divisions had to be hived off and others integrated. This resulted in a widespread sense of uncertainty, opposition, frustration, and blockades. Top…
Client: SALK Salzburger Landeskliniken Project name: Change and awareness process in management Project content: Development and implementation of a holistic HR development and management culture concept for the Salzburger Landeskliniken (SALK) and a cutting-edge executive academy based upon it. This project involves the implementation of the defined target management culture including the values, management guidelines, target profiles and…
Client: AWS Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH Project name: Living a team-oriented culture, and not just talking about it Project content: In collaboration with various departments, divisions and cross-company teams, we have been commissioned by AWS on several occasions to initiate, develop and implement the desired team culture over the long term. « Back to overview
Client: Collini Project name: Executive development programmeProject content:The Collini Group specialises in surface treatment of substrate materials. The Group is growing rapidly and is meanwhile represented in several countries with its own production sites. Collini recruits almost 95 % of its executives at all levels from its own ranks. Together with the IMP think-tank, we were commissioned…
Client: Wiener Zeitung Project name: Vision and strategy development process Project content: During the first stage, in collaboration with the Executive Board and involving managers, our task will be to develop a challenging, desirable vision and concretise this in a subsequent strategic process based on it. A further important puzzle piece in this challenging project will be…
Client: SBB Swiss Federal Railways Project name: Change SBB one IT The SBB’s IT executives and employees across the entire SBB organisation, and allocated to the individual divisions and organisational units, were consolidated into a single company-wide department, the SBB one IT. This affected approx. 150 executives and 800 employees, who now work as an independent organisational…
Client: Raiffeisen Holding Kleinwalsertal Project name: Development and implementation of a comprehensive story-telling process Project content: In the scope of the “2014 Kleinwalsertaler Dialoge” event we were commissioned to develop and implement a story-telling process for the whole event in addition to our engagement as keynote speaker. « Zurück zur Übersicht
Client: Caritas & Du Project name: Change and awareness process in management Project content: In the course of the realignment of the Caritas organisation, we were commissioned to plan and implement this challenging awareness and change process for over 300 executives in connection with the values and goals of the “Caritas & Du” claim. « Back to overview…
Client: Gebrüder Weiss Project name: Executive developmentProject content: We are delighted to be able to contribute to the further development of management within the scope of the executive training measures initiated by Gebrüder Weiss. « Back to overview
Client: Mepha / Teva Project name: Mepha/Teva integration project Project content: The Swiss pharmaceutical company Mepha was acquired by the world’s largest generic drugs company Teva in 2011. We were tasked with helping to develop the integration process, introducing an awareness process, merging the two different cultures and corporate philosophies, generating passion and motivation for the new merged company and…
Client: Mepha / Teva Project name: Mepha/Teva integration project Project content: The Swiss pharmaceutical company Mepha was acquired by the world’s largest generic drugs company Teva in 2011. We were tasked with helping to develop the integration process, introducing an awareness process, merging the two different cultures and corporate philosophies, generating passion and motivation for the new merged company and…
Client: Verbund AG, Vienna Project name: Liberalisation process Project content: Verbund AG, with its 4000 executives and staff who had spent decades vegetating away as public officials, had to be transformed into a market-economy-minded und functioning organisation within a short space of time. It was our task to prepare the employees for this process, design the platform…